Friday, March 12, 2010
Class #40, 2010
Yoga at 4 felt great - super full class with B.J., surrounded by nice hardworking people (one of whom clearly had a garlic-laden lunch...pew!) but all in all, a nice solid Bikram class. I already can feel some improvement in certain postures, perhaps just from more body/muscle awareness (because they hurt!). However, I cannot do eagle on my left side (and normally, Eagle is "my posture"...) apparently my hip has tightened up! And again, my standing head to knee is poo, but that's ok, it'll get there. Stamina was good all things considered, but I was a serious sweat ball. At the savasana, I noticed the gal next to me had a mere sheen of sweat, and I was in a sloppy puddle, dripping from every pore.
After class, I stayed and worked on some hip openers (pigeon) and a few other advanced postures I've been playing around with. Good yoga time!
Crossfit #3, 2010
Warm-up as usual.
Then this torture device known as a Fit Wheel was handed to us - you strap it to your feet, with a single wheel in the middle, and we attempted (in my case) to do three different core/ab exercises. I was pretty much a failure but I tried hard, and expect I'll get better next time now that I'm a little bit familiar with the concept. Yet again, my core strength...blows. And now I've got my work cut out for me!
The WOD today didn't involve running, and I was thrilled because the weather was crap and though I'd run a in a little morning mist the day before, it was all out cold, windy and pouring.
The WOD:
3 assisted pull-ups
4 push-ups
5 air squats
I needed HELLA assistance on the pull-ups..two bands. But I could do the three required barely (again, upper body strength is poor), ditto for the push-ups (from my knees) but I did them all. Now, my shining beacon of hope in all of this is my lower body strength is actually respectable, so the squats were nothin'!
This we did 15 times through on the minute; if you didn't finish in the 1 minute, you had to wait for the next one. We all pretty much stayed together and finished in about 40 seconds, with a 20 second rest (about enough time to set up my band(s) for my pull-ups) before starting again.
15 minutes to finish
Super fun, I even beat one of the dudes! (Of course, he was doing real pull-ups and push-ups, so it really doesn't count). I think because of the yoga, I'm really not feeling competitive - I realize we all have different bodies and bring different strength and ability to the table. I just want to get better for myself!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Crossfit #2, 2010
Today's WOD:
400 m Run
10 box jumps
10 burpees
- I didn't walk at all in the run!
- My box jumps were on two stacked up weights, because I'm still in fear of the actual (2' high) box, but I did'em
- I did the burpees WAY better than I thought I could.
- I didn't take ANY breaks!
Again, I liked it - in fact, I'm somewhat in awe of how much my mind and body are enjoying a different exercise environment, movements, and vibe. There's music on. You can talk. You get to go outside.
Don't get me wrong: Bikram is my first love. But xfit is a nice complement!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Class #39, 2010
However, my gawd did parts of me hurt. My standing head to knee was a mere shadow of its former self. But in some ways, having everything in your body hurt gives you a keen muscle awareness - you feel every movement really profoundly, which I found helped me with adjusting and even moving deeper into certain poses.
I do believe the two (xfit + Bikram) are going to work well together. I love the yoga, but my body needs a shake up, and from my first day of xfit alone, I can see how I have lower-than-desired upper body strength and core strength. Hopefully xfit will improve my yoga, and vice versa!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Crossfit #1, 2010
Crossfit, if you don't know, is yet another cult-like way to get in shape. The people who do Crossfit, similar to those who do Bikram, believe it is the way. My girlfriend, Jill, and my sister, Julie, do Crossfit (abbreviated as xfit). They go 5 times or so a week, and Jill is almost at her 1 year anniversary.
The premise is to be fit and healthy by doing all the types of movements you would need if you were stranded on a desert island. Push, pull, jump, grab, lift, run...lateral strength, core strength, upper and lower body strength, agility... This is done primarily though a lot of classic exercise movements - push-up, pull-ups, squats, lunges - and much of it with body weight only, but also with weights.
The new xfit gym that I'm going to, The Lab, A Crossfit Gym on Eastlake, is awesome because it has two separate rooms. One for the big kids (like Julie and Jill) and one for those of us who are a bit more...remedial. The Elements room, as it's called, requires you to be able to accomplish a lengthy list of exercises with perfect form, skill and strength before graduating to the big kids room. I plan to stay there for a long time, if not forever. And that is fine with me!
Today was my first day. I went to 7 a.m. (it felt luxurious to sleep until 6:30 a.m. before working out, unlike yoga which requires a 5:30 alarm). The gym is quite new, so I was the only one - so I effectively got a personal training session from Paul, who is a super sweet (and quite cute) guy who plays Rugby and is very fit. And very supportive.
There are three components to each visit:
1) Warm-Up
2) Skill Building
3) The WOD (workout of the day)
The warm up is a series of 6 exercises you do 8 reps of 8 times through with a little bit of weight in your hands. Up down, side to side, diagonal to diagonal, hip opener, and abs. Take about 5-10 minutes.
The skill segment focuses on learning a particular "xfit move" without the pressure of time or reps, but rather with a spotlight on form. Today was Turkish Get-Ups...a process of going from laying down to standing through a series of three movements. The first movement I did 10 times, then the second one 5 times (combined with the first) and then the whole movement 3 times, combining all three segments into one movement. This was another 10-15 minutes.
Finally the WOD.
WOD's can be scary, but today's looks accessible to me and I was happy about that! It was:
200m Run
10 Kettlebell Swings (with a mere 18 lbs)
100 jump ropes
5 times through. Yep. 5.
I finished that part in about 22 minutes. I had to walk a little because I was so winded from the jump roping that I couldn't quite catch my breath... but I did it! And, oddly, liked it!
So I'm committing to 6 months, right here, right now, on the big bad internet.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Class #38, 2010
And today, two days after the pilates class, my arms KILLED in yoga. I had to - gasp! - drop my arms in the second set of the half moon series. I remember that feeling when I first started practicing! My triceps...oy!
I'm pretty open about the fact that I believe in Bikram Yoga (did'ja get that?) but also, I'm honest that it doesn't target *everything* - many who practice feel a lack of (weight-bearing) upper body work, as well as serious attention to the abs. Well, this pilates class took care of my arms, and my hurt to laugh for the whole next day.
Still, class was awesome today, a nice class back after 5 days off and with Frani, a seasoned teacher whose been out of town for 4 months- so fun to have her back. I'm about to integrate some other exercise - which makes me nervous because I'm already feeling overextended, so something will have to give. But, both the pilates class and the scale are saying I need a little shake-up - so that, along with some dietary lock-down, will hopefully get me back to center by my birthday in June.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Class #37, 2010
6 a.m. class today, my first in a while, was phenomenally, seeing spots and stars hot. Like, swearing with my neighbor at the savasana. Like, I may never do this yoga again hot.
But, what was cool, was that the teacher was Brooke, who I went to training with - and she is a little spitfire up there! Fun and good class, once I came back to life.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Class #35, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Class #33, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Class #29, 2010
Right now, I've been practicing at 3 different studios owned by 3 different owners. And it has been a nice variety for sure. Different teachers, different students, different vibe. The one on the eastside near Microsoft is...well, lots of Microsoft. The one in my neighborhood is 'home' and is filled with people I know as both students and as fellow yogis. The other is on Capitol Hill, my old neighborhood once known as the 'gay hood' but really is more a 'counter culture' hood, and I dig the variety of people who go there (not a class goes by without a fully tattooed body in class).
Today I taught 8 a.m. at still a different studio - but I just wasn't up to the 10 a.m. - so I didn't take it, and instead planned to go to 4 p.m. on Capitol Hill. I find going to the yoga when your head is not in the game usually produces a less-than-optimal outcome. If I have the time in a day, I will go when I am moved to go - it's better that way.
Class today was so strong for me!! OMG. The heat seemed light but then of course by Balancing Stick I was feeling plenty of heat. My postures were surprising me left and right - my body on point for every request of the teacher (and my mind).
Lately, I've had two postures unfold for me. I cannot believe sometimes there is still more to learn, but there is! What makes this yoga so amazing is that you are truly never done. I feel like I'm on a trek, and most days I move forward but sometimes, I come to something amazing on my path. Like seeing a forest creature right before your eyes on a hike, or stumbling upon a gorgeous field of wildflowers. For me, Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee and Separate Leg Head to Knee - obviously two related but very different postures - have all the sudden opened up to me in a new way.
In the standing version, I've kept my knee straight and taken a wider step. Bikram always says "No one takes a wide enough step" and indeed, it is a whole new posture to me right now. Crazy, but I feel like I've been doing this posture for 1 week, not 3.5 years. In the floor version, at the end of class, I've taken to grabbing my foot, locking my knee, bending my elbows to the floor and then putting my forehead on my knee; well, currently it's on my shin just below the knee, but sometimes I'm getting it all the way to my knee. My standing head to knee is poo right now, because I think I'm working on the same concepts in other postures or something. But I'm ok with it! It feels exciting.
Whenever people say they get bored with Bikram or who haven't even tried it and expect they would get bored and use that as an excuse for not going, I want to tell them about things like this. I realize they wouldn't likely 'get it' - but this is why this yoga is so titillating - you do face some boredom, sure - but then you come upon a field of flowers and all the sudden have new aspects to explore and learn from. It's so worth powering through to the next big thing, because it's always going to show up!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Class #28, 2010
I took a spot I've never taken in the 3.5 years I've practiced at my 'home' studio in Fremont. It turns out, the spot by the men's locker room door emits a cool breeze from the crack underneath it. My feet were cold. It was weird. I didn't actually like this fact but took note for future classes where I sense a struggle coming on and need to keep it doable. :) Anyhow, it was a gentle class and a great set-up for the weekend!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Class #27, 2010
Anyhow, I think I've mentioned that I'm on a mission with my group at work (Microsoft) to get them to try Bikram. And, well, my first 'victim' was my boss, who after two classes bought a 30-punch and became more of an evangelist than I am! Between us, we have 9 people on our recurring invitation and we go once/week as a group right now. As of now, including him, 5 have actually gone, with the other 4 waiting for a day when they can get away.
Today, two newbies went with my boss (Andrew) and I, and another co-worker who'd gone once before (to that BRUTAL class last week - his first one!) came back. It was a fab class with 35-week-pregnant Jenny, and it was just right - that studio is hot. Really, really hot. She managed it well and actually kicked the thermometer my way and it was only 102...but 56% humidity. That's a heat index, or "feels like" temperature of 130. Yikes.
It was a really good class for me though, and Andrew. Of the two newbies, one sat out about 1/2 the class, but she never tried to leave (I was proud) and in the end, after class, she said she really liked it (to my surprise) and would be back. (And, since I'm writing this a few days after, am happy to report she did go back, 2 days later). The other newbie did great - I could tell from her personality it would be a good fit and she did well and loved it. Andrew and I both had strong classes, and the fella who came for a second time said it was "much, much better..." :) Yay, Bikram!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Class #26, 2010
I stayed on and took the 6, and I worked super hard which is always satisfying. A student who is going to training was next to me and was excited to practice with me, so that made me work extra hard ;) Sometimes being a teacher gives me a little outside pressure to work harder, which on those lazier days, brings me up a notch.
My standing series was killer focused. Sometimes I wish there was a way to have the eye-to-eye mirror through the floor series, it keeps me so focused...alas.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Class #25, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Class #24, 2010
It was my best practice in ages.
Still coming off my trauma from last Monday, I was delighted to enjoy myself. My postures felt yummy and my body was right on! I used to teach there (now I sub) and was next to a regular student, who has a great practice and whose husband was behind me, taking his very first class! Gary was awesome. He is so good, really, just a gifted teacher whose got the energy, skill, interest and personality to get it done in a really endearing way. My two favorites from today:
1) During Camel, "Don't think about how much this sucks. Think about how good it is for you!"
2) Between sets of Rabbit, "You know, the paper you sign says emotions may come up. If they do, just do like your parents told you and suppress them." It got quite a chuckle.
Man it felt good to be in a different space, different teacher, different energy from the students...nice energetic change!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Class #23, 2010
Heat was great, my practice felt good, but mostly, I was just glad to be back! Phew!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Class #22, 2010
Some classes just simply kill me. This Monday afternoon class, with my manager and two co-workers a long (one for his first class!) was brutal. I cried a little in standing separate leg head to knee, but you know, you can't really breathe much less emote in that then I stopped. But it was hotter than hell, and I could tell from about breath #4 in Pranayama that I was gonna be in trouble. And trouble I was in...
I tried to kneel for a sip of water at the break to catch my breath, but Heather wasn't having it. "Get up." Ok. I'm up. But I'm in trouble! Carrying on, I made it through without a break but with a little bit of a broken spirit by the end. Phew. In fact, (writing this a few days later) I ended up taking 3 days off to recover. And sometimes, it's just like that.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Class #21, 2010
With that, Friday I had no intention of going to class when Christi, a pal and student, called at 3:44 to say no one had showed up to teach 4 p.m. Living about 4 minutes away, I threw on clothes and dashed down there, calling the teacher who was on the schedule en route. She was able to make it on time, but I did the sign-in and then was going to take off when she said, "You should stay. You're here. Take class!"
So I did and it was great, of course. I was worried I'd be late to my work function and up through Eagle, I was thinking "I shouldn't have stayed, I shouldn't have stayed..." but then came to: Well, you did. So shut up and practice. I was reminded of how freeing it is to practice when you don't plan to; and how much pressure I tend to put on the preparation for class throughout the day. Determination: This is lame. Perhaps I should always go to class as if I didn't really plan to! Keep it light, right? :)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Class #20, 2010
My favorite line tonight, by Jenny, who is always a hoot on the podium, in Fixed Firm, "Grab your, not like you're chill-axin' on the beach, really grab them..." Made me smile.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Class #19, 2010
So I showed up to class at oh...5:55, and found 60+ people there already. It was like Thanksgiving or something! I ended up with the poo spot - the black 'parking spot' by the door not intended for use; it's meant to be left open as a passageway. Still, with no space, I took the hit (plus, I was late, it was my own doing!). Well, that spot is a bit breezy, and in the third row. I always practice up front.
What ended up happening is I had a kickass practice. I couldn't really see myself in the mirror, except for when the girl in the front (coveted) row laid down (a lot). It brought me back to training, knowing your body well enough to know you were in the posture correctly, to my full ability... a nice reminder of that feeling, that focus.
And then I taught 8 p.m. - and it was a good class, and I was happy to be there. I had a student who'd taken my class quite a while back whose recently return tell me "Your teaching has really improved." It was kind of her to say. Another, after class, told me, "You are TOUGH! I've got to like 5 studios and you are the toughest I've ever had!" That surprised me, but I was glad she got a good workout in! (And then I thought of all the teachers who (I think) are way, way tougher than me!) ;) I guess I was supposed to teach that one to be reminded that when you teach, it matters, to someone, every time. I know all my teachers matter to me :)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Class #18, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Class #17, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Class #16, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Class #15, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Class #14, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Class #13, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Class #12, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Class #11, 2010
So, the craving + anxiety said "practice!" - so I did, and it was great. Nice soaking wet one for me, since I'd already spent 90 minutes in the room. Heat was great, I struggled a bit around triangle as is normal, but the rest of the time I felt like the heat was on my side, helping - not wrecking me mentally and sending me off to fight the tizzy I'm headed toward.
I'm not sure what's up with my Bow pose on the floor, but dear gawd, it's doing something new and amazing lately. I love seeing my body shift and change! Of course, as it usually goes, something else goes to poo like a game of whack-a-mole, so my standing head to knee seems broken at the moment. But I just keep trying the right way, right?! I teach again tonight at 6, and I'm sure to be better for it now that I took class. :)
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Class #10, 2010
My pal Suzanne taught a kicker! Her energy was up and pace relentless, and it was awesome. I was right next to her and took all the yummy yoga energy she was pouring out, and was further surrounded by a *ton* of regular practitioners. It was such a strong class for me, and I'm always grateful for a strong class. Always.
This morning, however, I woke up and missed the 8 a.m., then thought I'd maybe go to 10...but I just didn't want to. It was so great to just decide then to go to 5 p.m. It freed me to enjoy my day, and just know today I was running on credit vs. debit. That is, when I practice in the morning, I feel like I'm on debit - I put money in my account and now I can comfortably go out and enjoy my day knowing I'm covered. When I practice later in the day, however, I struggle a bit because I feel more like I'm on credit - I'm spending myself all day and not putting money in the bank until the end of the day. On work days this is ok, but somehow on the weekends, it causes me a little strife. Another thing I can work on, I suppose :)
Class #9, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Catching Up On Comments
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Class #8, 2010
Here's the thing: I cannot figure out how to take 6 and teach 8 back to back. If you eat lunch around 12, snack around 3 or 4, then it's 10 p.m. before I'm home and who wants to eat dinner then! Then I wake up at 4 a.m. starving. My solution is this notion of taking 4, eating dinner, and then going back to teach 8...and it actually worked!
Anyhow, my standing series felt so strong and energetic! Then I hit the floor and felt on fire, struggled a bit but by full locust my head was back in the game and I finished happily! All was well. And you know what...I really, really love the yoga. It's just good to remember that, and say it sometimes I think. So I did.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Class #7, 2010
And I didn't mind a bit.
The thing is, when the heat is "right" you are not out of your gourd. You can listen, hear and implement the commands without thoughts of dealing with extreme heat/humidity taking up mind share. I realized today I was more focused, more about to stay with the teacher and do her every wish because the heat felt just right. I love the heat, obviously. But I do believe in the heat being right, and I'm a big fan of teachers who are engaged and aware and manage the heat properly, and I certainly aim to be one of them!
Glad I went, felt good and tomorrow I'm taking the day off! :)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Class #6, 2010 + A yoga-related "guest post"
I taught 8 a.m. and took the 10 a.m. again today - but oh, how nice today was! I do believe rough classes are often balanced out with a stunning class, and maybe I wouldn't call it quite stunning, it was a great class with good heat and a new teacher who just graduated in December from TT. I set up in front of two new women to keep myself honest and focused. Did I mention I love boundaries? And that I need them so I create them for myself all the time? Ok, the secret it out. (ha!)
Not a lot to say about the class, really. Well, two things actually. One of the new folks who struggled through, left a few times, etc., but after class, said to me, "Wow, that was A-MAZE-ING!" and I got all gushy inside thinking, "Wow, that could've as easily been 'I'm never coming back, that was terrible...'" but it wasn't. And I was so excited for her!! Second, the teacher who is still so new, was so different even than two weeks ago when I took her class! She said, "the more I teach, the more I realize how much I still have to learn..." Ah, so true - about teaching AND practicing. We all have so far to go, yet it's doing it day in and out that teaches us, and it's worth it :)
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Class #5, 2010
The other day one of the teachers said, "My sensor said humidity was started to rain, and I looked down a minute later and it was 50%!" Welcome to Seattle in wintertime, folks.
So yesterday I taught the 8 a.m. and the temp was a little low, but the humidity was toward 50% - so the heat index, the "feels like" temperature, was definitely where it needed to be. I decided to stay for the 10 a.m., well, I had already decided, but I decided again.
Humidity is evil. I think we all know that. I'm all for a 105 degree, 40% humidity class - or it's equivalent. Today was brutal. The very, very seasoned instructor did all he could to manage it - fans on probably for the half the class, on high, and hardly making a difference. At one point, he said, "In case you didn't know, my sensor indicates the humidity is out of control in here." Thanks for the newsflash (I actually said that to him :) and then later, he said, "How high does the humidity have to get for it to rain in here?" Another student replied, "Uh, 100%." We would've normally laughed, but who had the energy or wherewithal for that?
I posted something about this to my facebook to which my darling baby sister, a self-admitted geek, responded with a link to Wikipedia's entry on Humidity - I prompted read the segment titled, "Effects of Humidity" Here is an excerpt:
Effects on human body
The human body sheds heat by a combination of evaporation of perspiration, heat convection in the surrounding air, and thermal radiation. Under conditions of high humidity, the evaporation of sweat from the skin is decreased and the body's efforts to maintain an acceptable body temperature may be significantly impaired. Also, if the atmosphere is as warm as or warmer than the skin during times of high humidity, blood brought to the body surface cannot shed heat by conduction to the air, and a condition called hyperpyrexia results. With so much blood going to the external surface of the body, relatively less goes to the active muscles, the brain, and other internal organs. Physical strength declines and fatigue occurs sooner than it would otherwise. Alertness and mental capacity also may be affected. This resulting condition is called heat stroke or hypothermia.
---Yeah, what they said.
So the deal is, here we are in a class meant to flood our organs, glands and muscles with loads of oxygen rich blood and fluids, but at a certain point, it's physically impossible for that to happen. Trusting that our teachers are on our sides (they are, I believe that), it's then our jobs to monitor ourselves. Hard to do...ego, ego, ego...but in this case, I was losing my mind. I kept seeing spots (blacking out just a wee bit is good for you, right?) and could hardly organize myself, at times, to get in and out of postures. But, with the help of another teacher next to me who kindly mouthed swear words back and forth with me as an outlet, we got'er done. Brutal. But I got to see a little more of what I'm made of, and also, got a (yet another) reminder to take it down a notch, especially if the teacher is telling us to. Duh.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Class #4, 2010
Well, that is how I felt today about going to 4 p.m. 3:51 I got it together and headed for the studio. There was no parking, except the 30-minute tow-away zone outside the beer microbrewery in the back of the same building as our studio (hops anyone)? So I did what any desperate yogi would do: I went into the brewery and said, "You won't get me towed, right? I mean, it's 4 p.m. Friday - you're not expecting deliveries now, right?" The facial-hair riddled fella was all Seattle-beer-dude about it, "Uh, no, man, we won't get'cha towed..." Sweet!
So with mere moments to spare I jetted in and took a crappy spot on my least-favorite portion of the room. Awesome start. Not. As the teacher explained breathing to some new folks, I noticed a primo front-row spot open and not even blocking anyone! I snatched up my mat and took it and breathing started.
As class went on, after my unplanned 3-day hiatus, I found that I felt great! The best part came in Locust pose. After the separate leg part, we were gearing up for both legs - the time when I typically feel as if an elephant has just sat down upon me and hardly can see the value of trying, though I do. In this moment though, I had the notion to push my hands into the floor and stretch my toes back and then up. Like, kinda "scooping" them back and up... The result was my weight shifted to the upper part of my hip bones. My hand and arm strength was suddenly insanely accessible! My legs went up. And up. AND UP. And, the effort felt like about half of what I usually give to raise my feet (what feels like) mere centimeters.
I'm all for surprises. I felt like I won a killer door-prize at one of those fundraisers I didn't want to go to, like, "This was SO worth it! I'm so glad I came!" I ended up walking out with something unexpected and welcome.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Class #3, 2010
Last night, I took 6 p.m. class with 50 other people. At the helm was Saiko who had a c-section and a beautiful baby girl on November 25th - and is back to teaching us as of the new year already. As a student, I was reminded of all of her "Saiko-isms" that I've always loved. As a teacher, I was just so impressed by her management of a very humid, packed room. Flawless - she kept us going and kept the energy up even though at times, clearly the group was struggling hard. Such a gift to have experienced teachers like her as mentors and guides in our practices and our teaching :)
Class was hard but satisfying. I lost my mind a few times but talked myself off the ledge - a skill I've had to employ and hence have gotten pretty good at lately. It was really, really humid - super drippy by the end of breathing. Of course, I sweat like a Bikram teacher - and a regular practitioner. It's so interesting seeing the newer folks, whose bodies haven't quite become accustomed to 'turning their sweat on' so to speak, and how my towel is soaked by Tree, and theirs have a drip or two...but it's ok. I love my sweat. It means I'm gettin' it done.
Overall, my body was open and agreeable, I tried hard to pace myself because I knew it was going to be a tough room with so many people, and having a 4 p.m. class beforehand that was packed. So I took it a little bit easy to be sure I could stay with it the whole class, and it worked. I was sandwiched between two yoga pals, and the new people behind me were earnestly trying and learning, which is always great to see. I'm aim to be very patient with new people as a practioner (and teacher for that matter) because I want everyone to love and practice bikram :) So fun to see people as their practice is just being born. Lovely and amazing.
As I mentioned in a recent post, I am not a fan of teaching *after* I practice - I'd much rather teach first. The risk is being tired, breathless and still overheated from class. And of course, that usually happens when I do this in the evening (not so much in the a.m.) - but the upside is I get my big yoga high/rush right about at the beginning of the balancing series when I teach, so that is good stuff! My class had 40 people at 8 p.m. (!!!) and they were awesome. When you teach, it's not easy to know how the class really went for folks - but last night, they all seemed so energized and happy after class! For many, it was their first class of the new year, and many seemed very proud of themselves, knowing they are on a good path for the year :) I know I feel this way!! :)
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Class #2, 2010
There's something about knowing how your class is going to go from the first few breaths of pranayama that often happens for me. I realize right away my shoulders are super open, I feel stable in my feet, my breath is easy and strong - just like it should be. Then half moon usually follows in that I feel gigantic height and stretch with that sought-after "smooth, steady breath through the nose." This was class today. Strong, focused, no mental ramblings to the state of avocados in wintertime (special to Anthony: indeed, I'm sure I chose poorly, but no doubt I'm willing to risk failure to try again and again... :). I didn't even bolt from the room to lay on the sidewalk outside after class (did I mention that happened yesterday? Classy!). Nope, nice savasana after class, in the room, as it ought to be.
I am teaching just 2x/week most weeks, which is perfect with fulltime work, upcoming classes I'm taking (trying Baptiste yoga intro series, and a writing course), and other life obligations - plus, of course, my own practice - which is more important than teaching to me. As they say, you have to put on your own oxygen mask before helping others. :)
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Class #1, 2010
I'm not complaining, just reporting what happened. But it was good too, good to go and power through though my brain felt squeezed and my energy was low. During savasana, I pondered why avocados taste so crappy all winter when I buy them at the grocery, but at restaurants, the guacamole tastes as good as summer. There's some good yogic focus for you! It was with Suzanne, in West Seattle, and after I went outside and laid on my wet towel on the sidewalk at 6:30 p.m. on a Saturday night until my heart rate recovered after about 10 minutes. Nice. Did I mention this studio is on the main drag of a populated business district?
In 2009, I laid down 2 times in class - both were Penni's, for those who know her. I'm not sure how many classes I did in total for the year, but I know I completed three 30-day challenges and practiced regularly otherwise, save for some serious sciatica in the spring (that was/is terrible, btw). I feel good about my year in terms of Bikram Yoga. I looked back over my posted goals from a year ago, and, well, you could said I failed. Epic. Miserable. Fail. But really I didn't. I just didn't reach those particular goals in all cases, and I'm ok with that.
For 2010, I'm not going to set yoga goals. I'm going to let it unfold, but I am going to try to write more about it. Here. :)