Friday, January 29, 2010

Class #16, 2010

On the whole, 6 a.m. is not my favorite time to practice. But, I think there is something to be learned from it that cannot be found at different times of the day. I feel as if my practice would not grow if that was the only time I went; however, by going occasionally at this time, I'm reminded of a few things:

1) Tightness! Wow, the body is so tight after sleeping vs. coming at 4 p.m .when you've walked around all day.

2) Mental focus: You haven't had a whole day to process. It's amazing how you 'get out of your own way' so easily when you're frankly, so tired you just kind of surrender to it.

3) Ego check: You're postures will not be as deep or as good as going later in the day. Period. And that is something you have to be ok with, and not overdo it and hurt yourself just because 'your backbend doesn't look good' etc.

It was a nice class - to my surprise, Suzanne & Saiko. fellow teachers + my friend/student Cherie were all there - so fun to see pals at that hour! And, so great to get'er done so early! The best part of 6 a.m. is not having to think about/plan your day around yoga...It was a good 6 a.m. class for sure!

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