Monday, February 15, 2010

Class #26, 2010

I subbed tonight teaching the 4 p.m. in Fremont. It was nice and full of energetic regulars, and one new guy who killed it. I think due to President's Day and lots of folks having the day off, a more relaxed energy filled the room. 43 people well into February, this is a good thing!

I stayed on and took the 6, and I worked super hard which is always satisfying. A student who is going to training was next to me and was excited to practice with me, so that made me work extra hard ;) Sometimes being a teacher gives me a little outside pressure to work harder, which on those lazier days, brings me up a notch.

My standing series was killer focused. Sometimes I wish there was a way to have the eye-to-eye mirror through the floor series, it keeps me so focused...alas.

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