Monday, February 8, 2010

Class #22, 2010

Oh my.

Some classes just simply kill me. This Monday afternoon class, with my manager and two co-workers a long (one for his first class!) was brutal. I cried a little in standing separate leg head to knee, but you know, you can't really breathe much less emote in that then I stopped. But it was hotter than hell, and I could tell from about breath #4 in Pranayama that I was gonna be in trouble. And trouble I was in...

I tried to kneel for a sip of water at the break to catch my breath, but Heather wasn't having it. "Get up." Ok. I'm up. But I'm in trouble! Carrying on, I made it through without a break but with a little bit of a broken spirit by the end. Phew. In fact, (writing this a few days later) I ended up taking 3 days off to recover. And sometimes, it's just like that.

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